A Powerful New Alternative to 123 Form Builder

FluxForms is a New Free 123 Form Builder Alternative that provides you with Powerful tools like Form Analytics, No Code Form Builder, and User-Friendly Forms. Get Started Today For Free!

Comparison with 123 Form Builder

Features 123FormBuilder FluxForms
Analytics Charts
Form Dashboard
Partial Responses
Sentiment Analyis
Time to Fill
Responsive Support
Form Analytics Limited
No Code Builder
Customer Drop Off
NPS Score
Form Stats
Unlimited Forms
Self Email Notification
Custom Branding
Website Embed

Ready to convert to FluxForms?

How FluxForms Works

We've designed FluxForms to be intuitive to learn and fast to iterate

No code form builder

Go from plan to survey or questionnaire using our easy to use form builder – quickly iterate and send out forms to your customers – All this while saving precious time

Intuitive Response Management

Managing responses efficiently can be a game changer. FluxForms provides you a helpful yet powerful way to manage your responses

Deep insights with Form Analytics

FluxForms makes understanding large amounts of data easy – Gain deep insights through powerful form analytics and beautiful charts so that your team can focus on understanding the data

Lots More Powerful features

We're constantly adding features you will love

Sentiment Analysis

Leverage Sentiment Analysis to understand your customers sentiment effortlessly

Custom Branding

Give every form it's own personality or theme it based on your brand.

Partial Responses

Get access to form responses that have not yet been submitted by your customers

Website Embed

Embed forms into your website and get a fast and on brand experience

Customer Drop Off

Know exactly where your users are dropping off in your surveys to fix issues

Analytics Charts

Our Form Analytics helps you understand your data visually rather than plain numbers

NPS Score

Further your customer experience through data provided by NPS Scores

Time taken to Fill

See how long a customer takes to fill out a question and optimise your surveys

Email Notifications

Get notified by Email when there's a new response.


Organize your forms into different workspaces for a hassle-free experience.


Manage your responses and take action within FluxForms.

AI-Powered Templates

Ask AI to generate the questions for you and save time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is FluxForms Free?

Yes, it's absolutely free.

Upgrade Your Form Experience Today

It's Free And No Credit Card is Required